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Participate in Your Local Community

We will be hosting several local Learning Sessions to share about the benefits and considerations of a broad array of residential options and service delivery models. After the Learning Session, participants will complete a Needs & Preferences Survey to collect this important market data. Each of the regions will also include a Plain-Language version for autistic adults or others with intellectual/developmental disabilities who may need this accommodation to participate.  

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Salt Lake Valley

Thank you to everyone who participated! This region's study is now closed. Find the report at the button below.


Southeastern Utah

We are currently collecting information from self-advocates and families on their housing needs and preferences in Southeast Utah! Interested in sharing your voice? Watch the session below to learn about housing and support options and then share your needs on the survey.

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St. George Metro Area

We plan to conduct this market analysis after completing the Southeast Utah Analysis. Feel free to share your email to be notified when registration opens later in 2024.


Register your email for updates

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